Events and activities

«Kazakh hospitality: traditions and customs»

On 13.04.2023, the Poltava Rural Library held an information hour «Kazakh hospitality: traditions and customs» for all groups of readers within the framework of the program «Rukhani Zhangyru» under the special project «Dastur men guryp».
The purpose of the event: to expand the idea of the traditions of hospitality, to foster a respectful and friendly attitude to each other, to the people around them, to the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people.
The audience was told what the hospitality of the Kazakh people is, what is its peculiarity and why Kazakhs treat guests so respectfully and why it is so important for Kazakhs.
An informational and thematic exhibition «Kazakh hospitality: traditions and customs» was prepared in the library.

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