Events and activities

“Gratitude Day — a sign of friendship”

On 01/03/2024, the Sochi Rural Library held an information hour “Gratitude Day — a sign of friendship” dedicated to Gratitude Day. The goal is to instill in readers a sense of tolerance, friendliness and respect for each other, as well as to strengthen interethnic harmony and interethnic ties in Kazakhstan. As part of the event, readers got acquainted with the history of Gratitude Day and revealed the versatility of the concepts of “gratitude,” “kindness,” and “mercy.” The establishment of this holiday is a tribute of respect and gratitude of all ethnic groups to each other and to the Kazakhs, who showed mercy during the years of repression and deportation of the peoples of the USSR to the territory of Kazakhstan. During the event, participants had to write on paper as many words of gratitude as possible.

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