Events and activities

“Afghanistan is memory and pain”

On 15/02/2024, the Novomarinovskaya rural library held an hour of remembrance “Afghanistan is memory and pain”, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
Goal: – to educate young people in patriotism, courage, morality, defense of the Motherland and land, loyalty, tolerance, respect for veterans of the Afghan war and preserving their feat in the memory of future generations.
The students were told about the historical events preceding the start of the war. The guys immersed themselves in the atmosphere of those years by watching the video “Briefly about the Afghan War.” Poems were read on this topic, the memory of the soldiers who died fulfilling their international duty was honored with a minute of silence. A book exhibition was timed to coincide with the event: “Afghanistan… days gone into eternity.» The book exhibition presents materials dedicated to the military events of that time, books about internationalist warrior heroes, as well as memories of veterans on the pages of periodicals.

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