Events and activities

“Journey to the Country of Yuri Olesha”

On June 12, 2024, the Novomarinovskaya Rural Library held a literary acquaintance “Journey to the Country of Yuri Olesha,” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Yuri Olesha.
Goal: to introduce the children to the life and work of Yu. Olesha
At the event, young readers learned where the writer spent his childhood and teenage years, in which city his literary activity began, and, of course, the history of writing the famous novel — the fairy tale “Three Fat Men,” which is very popular among children. This work about brave people and loyal friends aroused great reader interest among the children. Each of them concluded for himself what this fairy tale teaches.
The journey through the pages of the book ended with the “Guess the Heroes” quiz, where the children recognized the heroes of the book by description.

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