Events and activities

“What is corruption”

01/19/2024 The Borisovka rural library, as part of the “Parasat Zholy” program, held an information hour “What is corruption” with children aged 10 — 13 years. Purpose: To introduce readers to the concept of “corruption”, find out the reasons for its occurrence, why corruption is terrible, and find out what measures the government is taking to combat it. Teach children to form their own opinions and positions in relation to this issue. At this event, the children were introduced to such concepts as integrity etiquette. The integrity of every citizen of our country is the basis for the development of a prosperous society, for the formation of the state, therefore public interests must always be above personal ones. Intolerance to corruption, the desire to comply with legal norms, increasing the educational and cultural level of the population — all these issues and concepts were reflected in the conversation with readers. Anti-corruption booklets were distributed to all participants.

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