Events and activities

“We honor the traditions of our fathers”

On April 11, 2024, the rural library of Akan Kurmanov, together with the KSU secondary school, held the intellectual game Togyz Kumalak “We honor the traditions of our fathers,” dedicated to the Revival of the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people. Goal: to promote the good traditions of our people among children and teenagers, to instill love for national traditions and customs. The reason for this was the active participation of children in national games. Such games lift the mood, develop dexterity and endurance, and introduce children not only to gaming practice, but also to the culture of the people as a whole. The village librarian T.V. Maksimenko organized competitions between primary school students. The games “Togyz Kumalak” and “Asyki” aroused particular interest. These board games develop logical thinking, ingenuity and endurance, as they are based not only on the speed of calculation, but also on tactics.

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