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“To live is to create”

On 12/02/2024, the Novomarinovskaya rural library published an information post ““To live is to create,” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Kazhimurat Rakhimov.
The information post contains information about the life and work of the writer.


Kazhimurat Rakhimov was born in 1924 in the vicinity of Akmola (now Astana).
In 1941, the young man graduated from school and entered a three-month teacher course. Immediately after completing the teacher’s course, he went as a soldier to the Great Patriotic War. In 1943, he was seriously wounded and was sent to the Penza region as part of a military rear unit.
In the post-war years, the period of creativity of Kazhimurat Rakhimov began. While working for the regional newspaper “Ishimskaya Pravda” and at the Tselinograd television studio, he began writing novels, novellas and short stories. The writer’s first voluminous work is the story “Swallows”.
Dedicated to the history of our native land, the trilogy “Secrets of the Summit” occupies a special place
place in his work. The novel describes the 1916 struggle against the “June
decree» of the king. This work of the author was translated into Russian and
Published by the publishing house «Pisatel».
Kazhimurat Rakhimov did not ignore the social phenomenon in the vicinity of Akmola. He also wrote about Afanasy Latut, who escaped from the Tsar’s gendarmes to the Kurgaldzhin steppes and found refuge with the Kazakhs. He converted to Islam and was popularly nicknamed Zhakyp Zholaman.
On the eve of his 60th birthday, the writer published the novel “My Happiness is Balsary.”

It’s 100 years since the birth of Kazhimurat Rakhimov, he is not forgotten, his works are still loved and appreciated.

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