Events and activities

“The transition to the Latin alphabet is a confident step into the future”

On 02/02/2024, the Sochi Rural Library, as part of the implementation of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program, under the special project “Step-by-step transition of the Kazakh language alphabet to the Latin script,” published an information post “The transition to the Latin alphabet is a confident step into the future.” The goal is to explain the need to transition the Kazakh language to the Latin script, the reasons and advantages of this transition. The librarian said that with the transition to the Latin alphabet, Kazakhstan, along with the entire Turkic community, will have the opportunity to become familiar with the origins of their national culture, which will lead to rapprochement with other Turkic peoples. Translation of the Kazakh alphabet into the Latin alphabet will contribute to the personal growth of young Kazakhstanis. The changes will strengthen knowledge and provide more opportunities for interethnic communication.

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