Events and activities

“The poet who has reached the passes of dreams”

In the Timashevskaya rural library, a round table was held for all groups of readers dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the national akyn Koken Shakeev on the topic “The poet who has reached the passes of dreams.”
Librarian; told readers about the biography and creative activity of the poet.
Koken Shakeev is the youngest son in the family.
Besides him, Shakey and Azhar had 7 more children, each of them with their own meaningful life story. One can only note that three sons — Bukpa, Moldakhmet and Andamas — died in the war, two — Kara and Utebay — returned from the front after being wounded, the latter after the funeral the family received.
Koken Shakeev’s childhood and youth were spent in those places that nature generously endowed with the beauty of forests and clean air and fertile land, and he himself with an absolute ear for music, improvisational and song talent.
He was a WWII participant who fought near Koenigsberg, was wounded and awarded for bravery, then sent for further service and retired from the army in 1947.
According to eyewitnesses, both at the front and in the service, Koken Shakeev’s constant companion was a small folding dombra. With her, he often performed in front of soldiers: he performed heroic epics that he learned in school, as well as improvisations about everyday life at the front.
Goal: to acquaint readers with the life and work of Koken Shakeev.

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