Events and activities

“The Creative Peak of Saken Zhueusov”

In the Timashevskaya rural library, a literary hour on the topic “The Creative Peak of Saken Zhueusov” was held for all groups of readers, and a book exhibition was also organized.
Librarian: introduced our readers to the life and work of Saken Zhunusov, he was born in 1936 in the village of Kyzyl-tu, Kokchetav region.
Graduated from the Faculty of Philology and graduate school of the Kazakh State University named after: S.M. Kirov.
The writer’s main works: the collection of short stories «Indelible Traces», the novel «House in the Steppe», «Akan Seri».
Goal: getting to know the works of Kazakh writers.
Readers were introduced to the life and creative work of the Kazakh writer and playwright Saken Zhunusov.

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