Events and activities

«The Best City in the World»

On July 5, 2023, the Central District Children’s Library, together with the Lutoshkin Family initiative group and with regular readers, held an entertainment evening «The Best City in the World» and the ECO Bilim project, dedicated to the Day of the Capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Purpose: to educate readers with a sense of patriotism, love for their homeland and its historical past, to increase ecological culture, to form a responsible attitude to the environment, to foster patriotism and a humane attitude to native nature.
The presenters familiarized with the history of the city of Astana and its sights, conducted a quiz «Think – run» and played various games. The children read poems dedicated to the Day of the Capital.
At the end of the event, the children were presented with sweet tea and gifts, as well as a book exhibition «Happy Birthday-Astana».

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