Events and activities

«Language policy in Kazakhstan»

13/09/2024 Poltava rural library held an information hour «Language policy in Kazakhstan» with children for the Day of Languages ​​of the People of Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the event: to generate interest in the cultural heritage of the peoples living in Kazakhstan, to consolidate knowledge about the importance of the native language and the need to study other languages.
The presenters talked about how many nationalities live in Kazakhstan and each nationality respects each other’s culture and traditions.
The state language is Kazakh, Russian is the language of communication, English is the international language of communication.
Children greeted each other in different languages, read poems about the Motherland, Kazakhstan and friendship.
A quiz «My Kazakhstan» was held, children guessed riddles, the answers to which were given in three languages.
A book exhibition «Language is a priceless wealth» was arranged in the library.

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