Events and activities

«It was time for change»

On January 23, 2024, an informaion was held in the Marinovskaya rural children’s library to mark the 130th anniversary of the birth of the public figure, active member of the ALASH movement K.A. Bolganbaev. «It was time for change.»
Goal: acquaintance with the life and work of Bolganbaev, to cultivate a sense of patriotism.
The history of the Kazakh people shows that the struggle for freedom and independence of the country was carried out with persistence and consistency. Representatives of the national intelligentsia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries also played an important role in it. The creation of the movement and the first political party «Alash» and the government of the Alash Orda testified to increased civic maturity; the last years of the 19th century were the time of the birth of the greatest figures who left an indelible mark on the history of the Kazakh people, such as Kaireddin Bolganbaev.

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