Events and activities

“Great Disaster” — “Aktaban Shubyryndy”

On 01/08/2024, a historical hour dedicated to the 380th anniversary of Aiteke bi was held at the Timashevsky rural library for all groups of readers.
Aiteke bi Baybekuly (1644 — 1700) an outstanding Kazakh statesman, «Orda Biy», who became part of the Khan’s Council under Tauk Khan (reigned 1680-1718). He was one of the compilers, along with seven major biys, such as Tole bi, Kaz-Dauysty Kazbek bi, of the set of legal regulations of the centralized Kazakh Khanate “Zheti Zhargy”. Aiteke bi had a great influence on the formation of Kazakh statehood, as well as the formation of an effective and independent foreign policy during the years of the Dzungar invasion — the time of the “Great Disaster” — “Aktaban Shubyryndy”.
The name Aiteke bi is deservedly inscribed in Kazakh history and rights. In Kazakhstan, in different regions and cities, streets are named after him and monuments are erected. The study of “Zhet Zhargy” and the activities of the Kazakh biys-legislators Tole bi, Kazdauysty Kazbek bi and Aiteke bi is given special attention at university law faculties. His name became the personification of honor, dignity and justice.
In 2003, a Kazakhstan postage stamp dedicated to Aiteka bi was issued.
Target; tell readers about the life and work of Aiteke bi.

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