Events and activities

Family Day

A family is a group of people consisting of parents, children, grandchildren and close relatives living together.
The Marinovskaya rural children’s library has prepared a presentation for Family Day, where the Nurtazin family is presented.
Nurtazina Aigerim Kizatovna is a teacher at the Marinovskaya children’s music school in the kobyz (dombra) class.
Aigerim’s musical ear was passed on from her father. Since childhood, she grew up surrounded by a variety of music, which later influenced her choice. Two years ago, Aigerim Kizatovna created an orchestra of folk instruments at the music school, which takes an active part in all district, republican, international competitions, where it takes prizes.
She passed on her love for music and folk instruments to her daughter Adela, who studies at the same music school where she works.

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