Events and activities

“Days gone into eternity…”

On February 13, 2024, a patriotic hour “Days gone into eternity…” was held in the Sepeevskaya rural library. February 15, 1989 is the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. It was on this day that the war, which lasted twice as long as the Great Patriotic War, ended.
The Afghan war has been called many things: the longest, undeclared, secret. But in fact, she was the youngest, and there is no secret in this. The average age of soldiers is twenty years, and when you look at their photographs, you think how many destinies did not come true, did not happen. The war went on for nine years, soldiers died day after day.
And only the memory of this war is alive, and neither years nor distance can erase the events of Afghanistan… Reflecting today on this war, we thereby show respect for the memory of those whose youth was scorched by the war and the hot Afghan sun

Goals: to educate schoolchildren in citizenship and patriotism, a sense of duty, responsibility, and courage through the personal examples of internationalist soldiers; development of interest in the history of the last century; instilling respect for the older generation; broadening the horizons of students; spiritual enrichment of students with the poetic and song heritage of internationalist soldiers.

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