Events and activities

«Childhood without violence and cruelty»

28/08/2024 Novomarinovskaya rural library held a preventive talk «Childhood without violence and cruelty» (Prevention of domestic violence among children).
Objective: the need to convey information about violence, the possibilities of its prevention and making the right decisions in difficult life situations.
The librarian drew the attention of those present to the fact that children and adolescents are the most vulnerable, unprotected part of our society. Cruel treatment of them, neglect of their interests not only causes irreparable harm to their health, both physical and mental, but also has serious social consequences. Prevention of domestic violence includes providing assistance to persons who have been subjected to violence, identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions of its occurrence, suppressing violence as a phenomenon, and bringing the perpetrators to justice. The librarian urged those present not to remain indifferent if they know of cases of violence against children in other families, to contact the appropriate protective authorities.

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