Events and activities

“A Look into the Past”

The Timashevsky rural library held a spiritual hour on the topic “A Look into the Past” dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Bolganbaev Kairetdin Abdrakhmanuly.
Librarian; told readers about the life and work of Bolganbaev K.A. he was born in 1894 in Akmola district, Korgalzhinsky district, Akmola region.
His parents were steppe Kazakh nomads. His father Abish (Abdrakhman) was a literate man, at one time he made the hajj to Mecca. Therefore, after the village school, he sent his son to the famous Khusainiya madrasah, which was located in the city of Orenburg.
Kh. Bolganbaev, as a prominent representative of the Alash movement, a fighter for freedom and independence of the Turkic people and as a talented publicist, occupies a worthy place in the gallery of historical figures not only of the Kazakh ethnic group, but also of all the peoples of the East. Hayretdin Bolganbanv is a bright personality and activist along with Alikhan Bokeykhan, Akhmet Baitursynov, Mustafa Shokay, Sultanbek Khojanov.
The works of the figure were published in 2005 “Shagarmalary. Taglymy». and in 2009 “Iman Kushi”.
One of the streets in Astana and the Korgalzhinsky district of the Akmola region is named in honor of Kh. Bolganbaev.
Target; tell readers about the leader of “Alash” Khairetdin Abdrakhmanuly Bolganbaev.

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