Events and activities

«Poet, Patriot, Fighter»

On October 11, 2024, the Sadovaya rural library held a literary salon «Poet, Patriot, Fighter» dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Saken Seifullin.
Objective: acquaintance with an outstanding figure of Kazakh literature, his poetry, development of cognitive interests in the field of history of Kazakhstan, education of morality.
The librarian acquainted readers with the life and work of S. Seifullin.
Saken Seifullin is an outstanding son of the Kazakh people, the founder of modern Kazakh literature, poet and writer, statesman. Founder of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.
Beginning in the mid-20s, Saken carried out extensive pedagogical and scientific research work, giving lectures in the Kazakh language.
The poet was always closely connected with the people, expressed their thoughts and feelings. With pain in his heart, he spoke about social vices — about poverty and ignorance, about injustice and violence.
Saken Seifullin left behind a rich legacy for the Kazakh people. Many of his works are dedicated to the work and images of the working and peasant classes of that time. Saken Seifullin’s life is a feat, an example of a heroic struggle for a better life.

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