Events and activities

«The Constitution of Kazakhstan is the Main Achievement of the Country»

On August 29, 2024, a book exhibition entitled «The Constitution of Kazakhstan is the Main Achievement of the Country» was held in the Novoselskaya Rural Library. August 30, 1995 was marked by a major event in the modern history of our country — the birth of the new Constitution of Kazakhstan. The Constitution became the legal foundation on which the country began to build a democratic state — our common home, under the roof of which more than 120 nationalities, over 140 religious organizations and concessions peacefully coexist. The Constitution is an act expressing the highest will — the will of the people. Objective: to familiarize library readers with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its main provisions, the rights and responsibilities of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to instill respect and reverence for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan (coat of arms, flag, anthem), to foster a sense of patriotism and internationalism, and love for their homeland.

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