Events and activities

2025 Year of blue-collar jobs

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev declared 2025 the Year of Working Professions, stating that Kazakhstanis who have achieved success through their work should be held in high esteem in the country. The Year of Working Professions will also promote the idea of ​​hard work and professionalism in our society. On the last Sunday of September, Kazakhstan celebrates Labor Day, established by the Decree of the President of the Republic in November 2013, in order to revive the traditions of respect for working professions and awareness of the importance of work from an early age.
And on the eve of this wonderful holiday, the Novoselskaya rural library congratulates all Kazakhstanis, especially their fellow countrymen — real workers who, through their work and daily activities, demonstrate true patriotism and involvement in the fate of the Motherland on the holiday of Labor Day in Kazakhstan.
Objective: to increase the status and authority of working professions, as well as to stimulate labor productivity. creating a positive public opinion about working people, educating young people in the spirit of respect for work, preserving and enhancing labor traditions

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